Amazing SF City Hall Wedding Couple we Joined at Original Joes.

Original Joe's Bar Photo in San Francisco

We have so much fun with our San Francisco city hall brides and grooms. This particular couple booked our San Francisco tour package which took us through the city for photos. We started at the Rainbow steps in Presidio Heights and then ventured through the rain to the Palace of Fine Arts. The photo shoot ended in North Beach at Original Joe's Italian restaurant. The couple was nice enough to buy us drinks and join them. Of course we waited until AFTER the photography was over before sipping our Manhattans! One of the great things about being a SF city hall wedding photographer is that you make great friends with your clients. Many of them (including this couple for sure) we will see again in the future for a get together or a drink. It is all about relationships and fun! Update: We actually did reconnect with this couple down in Southern California and had a great time with them. We met for drinks and discussed the wedding album I was working on for them. We agreed that in the future we would meet up in San Francisco again for some more good times! I am sure after this Covid-19 Pandemic ends, they will come for a visit.

Palace of Fine Arts in the rain - San Francisco City Hall Wedding Photographer

Rain Can Enhance Wedding Photography

Despite the fact that we would prefer to not shoot in the rain, often times we get some memorable Umbrella photos like the one above. This also gave our bride the chance to wear her cover which was beautiful. It was pretty cold outside on this, their wedding day! They were definitely good sports about the weather and we feel like we still got all the shots needed to make them the perfect wedding album (which we later did!) They love coming to San Francisco to visit and and especially enjoy North Beach, which is one of my favorites. Nobody likes to get wet on their wedding day, but there are some positive aspects to the look of the photos. As mentioned, this couple was fantastic and also gave use some great reviews of our city hall photography work.

Dance moves at SF City Hall

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